# Avatar Configuration

Waline, like Valine, currently uses Gravataropen in new window as the comment list avatar.

Please log in or register by yourself Gravataropen in new window, then modify your avatar.

When commenting, just leave the email address you used when registering in Gravataropen in new window.

Thanks for the mirroring service provided by geekzuopen in new window, v2exopen in new window.

Currently there are 7 types of default values for non-custom avatar:

Empty string:''Gravatar official graphicsGravatar official graphics
mpMystic man (a grayhead)Mystic man (a grayhead)
identiconAbstract geometryAbstract geometry
monsteridlittle monsterlittle monster
wavatarA combination of different faces and backgroundsA combination of different faces and backgrounds
robohasha generated robot with different colors, faces, etca generated robot with different colors, faces, etc
retroEight-pixel retro portraitEight-pixel retro portrait
hide Hidden avatar

The parameter value hide is supported at v1.1.8-beta.
If the value of avatar is not equal to one of the seven parameters, the default value is mm.

new Valine({
    avatar:'' // (''/mp/identicon/monsterid/wavatar/robohash/retro/hide)
0  Words
Powered by Waline v1.0.0-beta.2